CARIBBEÑA Loyalty Rewards Program
Now you can earn points every time you shop with us by joining our Loyalty Rewards Program!
This is what you need to do in order to become a member of our Loyalty Rewards Program:
Look for the REWARDS icon that shows up on your screen when you are at our store:
. Click on it to open the loyalty program widget.
-Initially, there will be four option tabs shown on the widget; EARN POINTS, REDEEM POINTS, REFER A FRIEND, and MY BALANCE.
If you have an account with us, just Sign-In clicking the button inside the widget. If you do not have an account with us, you must create one by clicking the "JOIN" button inside the widget.
After creating your account, go to the "Earn Points" tab and complete each action suggested on the list (see below) by clicking the corresponding button right beside the action. Your points will be added automatically to your account after each action is completed. When you accumulate a certain amount of points, your rewards will start showing on a new tab: "My Rewards".
-Regarding the action of "Complete Profile", in order for the system to track the info, after fulfilling the profile's info, you will need to go back to the widget and click on "Do it now" button.
-Points for "Placing an Order" will be added after the order is fulfilled.
There are two ways to redeem your points. You can either go to "My Rewards" tab and click on the "Use it Now" button located right next to each reward, or you can go to the "Redeem Points" tab and click on the button right beside the reward you want to receive. Remember that to receive the reward, you need to have in your balance the required points specified for each reward. After successfully exchanging points for rewards, your points balance will adjust.
In order to receive a reward for referring a friend, you must generate a referral link by clicking on the "Refer a Friend" tab, and immediately on the "Refer a Friend Now" button. You'll be presented with a referral link, which you need to copy and share with your family and/or friends. When your friend uses the referral link to sign up and place an order, then both of you will receive the reward specified on the widget.
Go to "My Balance" to see your points balance and the list of activities on your reward program.
How to Earn Points
1. Create an account with us.
50 pts
2. Complete your profile info.
15 pts
3. Let us know your birthdate for a points gift.
20 pts
4. Subscribe to our Newsletter email list.
35 pts
5. Follow us on Instagram, Pinterest, Tiktok.
10 pts each action
6. Like us and Share us on Facebook.
10 pts each action
7. Place an order from our Online Boutique CARIBBEÑA.
2 pts per each $1 spent
8. Refer a friend using our referral link
$10 OFF Coupon for both parties
How to Redeem Your Points
Exclusive rewards to thank all our loyal customers.
Get $5 OFF of your order
100 pts
Get FREE Shipping
200 pts
Get 15% OFF of your entire order
300 pts
Get 25% OFF of your entire order
500 pts
Receive a FREE $25 Gift Card
1,000 pts
Receive a FREE $50 Gift Card
2,000 pts
If you experience any difficulty during the earning and/or redeeming process, please let us know about it, so we can assist you.